Those involved or affected by the incidents of 14 and 16 April


Out of the 14 April incident, 19 were brought to court. Now seven persons who were previously missing are added to the list giving a count of 26 arrestees.

Out of the 16 April incident, 20 have appeared in court.

All these people have families who are closely affected. They also have other concerned persons who are equally affected.

This is an election year and the UDP as a party is grounded at the moment. This undermines the multi -party system.

The affected family members are also restless. One could therefore understand the scenes outside courts which have led to further arrests and six persons, who are women, are being arraigned for trial at the court in Kanifing.

The security alert which is linked to such trial slows down traffic and undermines the rendering of services of all sorts with speed and efficiency.

As these cases drag in the courts everything else drags down with them.

A political solution is urgent. This is the only reasonable and justifiable route to take. There is no other road to take which is acceptable to the vast majority of Gambians irrespective of party affiliation.

Time will tell.