Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Public Institutions

GRA Still Struggles To Collect D13.5 Billion

As Tasked By Government By Mustapha Jallow Yankuba Darboe, Commissioner General of The Gambia Revenue Authority on Tuesday said his institution is still struggling to collect...


By: Kebba AF Touray PURA at Headquarters yesterday, inaugurated the DND guideline, which seeks to empower consumers to choose or not to choose to receive...

FSQA Advocates For LaboratoryTo Tackle Food Safety Challenges

By Assan Bah Mary Johnson, the Director of Regulatory Affairs and Enforcement at the Food Safety and Quality Authority, on Thursday 28th July 2022 disclosed...

Gambia’s 2022 Total Revenue, Grants Projected At D26.6 Billion

By: Kebbab AF Touray The Gambia’s Finance Minister, Seedy Keita, has told the country’s lawmakers that total revenue and grants for the revised fiscal year...

Deputy Oversees Account General’s Role

By Amadou Manjang Agnes Macaulay, the Deputy Accountant General (DAG) of The Gambia, is overseeing the role of Accountant General as Momodou Lamine Bah, the...

NAWEC Power Supply Fluctuation Continues To Disrupt Businesses, Workshops  

By Amadou Manjang Business owners and workshops in Ebou Town and Nema Junction have lamented that their trades and works are being disrupted by the...

PURA Moves to Investigate, Ascertain Root Causes of Frequent Fiber Cuts

By: Kebba AF Touray The Gambia's Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) last week took steps to investigate and ascertain the root causes of the frequent...

GAMTEL Owes PURA Over D57 Million Regulatory Fees

By: Kebba AF Touray Mr. Paul F Mendy, the Finance Director of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), has disclosed to the Finance and Public...

PURA: Mobile Phone Penetration Reaches 2.7 Million Subscribers By Dec. 2020

By: Kebba AF Touray Mr. Alieu Momodu Ngum, the Chairman of Board of Directors at the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), has told the Finance...

NRA Spent Over D735 Million on Road Maintenance in 2020

By: Kebba AF Touray Mr. Mustapha Joof, the Finance Director at the National Road Authority (NRA), has told the Finance and Public Account Committee (FPAC)...

Regional Government Service Commission Officials Demand for Autonomy

By: Kebba AF Touray Officials of the Regional Government Service Commission on Monday, July 4, 2022 demand their autonomy to ensure they execute their mandate...

SSHFC Registers Assets Growth of D700 Million in 2020

By: Kebba AF Touray Haddy Sallah, the Director of Finance and Investment at the Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation (SSHFC) has said that the...

FPAC Gives Ultimatum to GCCPC to Present Reports 

By: Kebba AF Touray Members of the Finance and Public Account Committee (FPAC) of the National Assembly have extended the time for the Gambia Competition...

CG Darboe Says Nominal Growth of Custom & Excise Revenue Exceeded...

By: Kebba AF Touray The Commissioner General of the Gambia Revenue Authority Yankuba Darboe, has informed the legislature that the Custom Excise Department dubbed (CED),...

PURA Regulates the Operation of Tanker Trucks

By: Kebba AF Touray The Gambia Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) has warned that any tanker truck that fails to collect their QR Codes, will...

GRA’s Finance Director Re-elected at WCO

By Mustapha Jallow Alhajie Saihou Denton, the Director of Finance and Accounting at Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), has recently been re-elected as the Chairperson of...

Over 3000 civil servants exited public service in 2017

By: Aja Musu Bah-Daffeh The Public Service Commission (PSC) asserted that the cumulative total of the servants who exited from the civil service in 2017...

KMC Registered Budget Deficit in 2019

By Yankuba Jallow The financial statement and audited report of the Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC), which was presented before the National Assembly indicated that the...

GCR Commissioner Says: ‘Gambia has Over 4 thousand Refugees’

By: Kebba AF Touray Mr. Famara Fadera, Commissioner of the Gambia Commission for Refugees (GCR), has told the legislative committee on Refugees that the Gambia...

Ministry of Finance Approves GRA New Commissioner of Customs

By Ndey Sowe The Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) under the leadership of the Commissioner General, Yankuba Darboe through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs...