PEC Engagement with NAATIP Suffers Setback


By Momodou Jarju

The engagement the Public Enterprise Committee (PEC) of the national assembly was supposed to have with the National Agency Against Trafficking in Person (NAATIP) was adjourned due to the absence of the executive director of the agency and the incomplete reports for the year under review.

NAATIP was supposed to present its activity report and financial statement for the years ended 31 December 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 on Wednesday before the PEC.

Abdoulie Sissoho, the chairperson of the board of directors of NAATIP, said the executive director is bereaved and is not in the right state of mind to attend the session. Thus, Mr. Sissoho appealed to the select committee to reschedule the session to another date.

Asked whether NAATIP has submitted its activity report and financial statement for the year 2015, 2016, and 2017, Mr. Sissoho responded in the affirmative. However, he said the 2018 activity report and financial statement are yet to be finalized.

The chairperson of the select committee, Hon. Halifa Sallah, said the agency through the interaction it had with the select committee is prepared to submit its activity report and financial statement for the year 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 for presentation.

“We would be requesting for that to be done and then we will have a consolidated presentation of the reports that are yet to be presented so that we put an end to the backlog once and for all and then start afresh with the 2019 report whenever it is presented because it is not due,” he said.

The committee then proposed that the session be adjourned until a later date.