National Assembly Scheduled to Swear in New Lawmakers


By: Kebba AF Touray

Gambia’s National Assembly is scheduled to swear in the newly elected Lawmakers on 14th April 2022. The said swearing-in ceremony is scheduled to hold barely five days after the April 9th Legislative polls.

Gambians headed to the polls to elect their representatives on Saturday 9th April 2022, who they believe will serve their various constituency interests and the nation’s, at the National Assembly.

Those candidates who are fortunate to be elected by their people will be sworn in on the stipulated date, after which they will commence work as lawmakers of the Sixth Legislature.

In a press communiqué to media houses, the Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly announced for the information of the general public that the President of the Republic, pursuant to Section 97 (1) of the 1997 Constitution, issued a Proclamation that the First Session of the National Assembly swearing-in ceremony and inauguration of the Sixth Legislature after the Parliamentary Elections of 09th April 2022, will be convened on Thursday 14th April 2022, at 10:00 am at the National Assembly Chambers.

Accordingly, the Clerk’s Office added that the Vice President, Cabinet Ministers, Government Officials, Political Party Leaders and the general public, are invited to grace the solemn occasion which will mark the inauguration of the Sixth Legislature, after the Parliamentary elections.

The Clerk’s Office further stated that all Elected and Nominated Members of the Sixth Legislature are kindly requested to report to the National Assembly on Wednesday 13th April 2022, at 10:00 am for a briefing prior to the inauguration; that sitting shall commence at 10:00 am prompt, and that the public is reminded to comply with the general safety measures on Covid-19 and the standard dress code (traditional/lounge suit) required, and to also observe the silence rule during proceedings of the session.