20 People Train On Diplomatic Practices, Others


By Mustapha Jallow

Mr Yankuba Darbo, Commissioner General of the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), on Monday opened a five- day training on diplomatic practices, etiquette and protocol.

The event which was organised by Diplomacy- Etiquette and Protocol Consulting (D.E.P.C) and co-sponsored by GRA, was held at a local hotel from 6th to 10th September 2021. 

It attracted over twenty participants from various government departments. Among the expected outcomes of the training was to enable the participants to understand the science and act of National and International Diplomacy, Corporate Diplomacy and Protocol components.

CG Darboe said the observance of certain protocols is necessary for the proper functioning of institutions and maintaining relations with other countries.

 “We believe that this training will equip our staff with the necessary skills and competences required for diplomatic engagements with sister countries,” he said. 

“We are required to maintain diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries and treaty partners and where possible establish a diplomatic presence.”

He said the training will also provide their staff with necessary skills and competence to handle their diplomatic engagements.

“We as revenue officers are not just required to be honest and disciplined, we are also required to be courteous and diplomatic in our engagement with taxpayers and the citizenry at large” he explained.

He advised the participants to take the training seriously, while hoping that at the end of the session, participants will acquire skills to handle high level diplomatic engagements on behalf of their respective institutions without any hitch or embarrassment.

Ebrima Ousmane Ndure, Chief Executive Officer of Diplomacy Etiquette and Protocol Consulting (DEPC), said the training will cover the importance of diplomacy protocol, social and communication protocol, dress code, planning and organizing ceremonies among others.

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