GRA staff warned not to compromise ethics, others


By: Aja Musu Bah-Daffeh

The Commissioner General of the Gambia Revenue Authority, Yankuba Darboe, has warned his staff not to compromise their ethics, integrity and professionalism while in their line of duty as revenue collectors.

He made this caution at the opening ceremony of a 2-day seminar held at a local hotel on Friday 17 December, 2021.

The event was organized for GRA staff under the department of human resources and administration (DHRA) to dilate on the department’s challenges and find a possible solution on how to mitigate those issues at hand in order for them to work effectively and efficiently.

C.G Darboe said that it is vital for every member of staff to understand the in-depth of their work, saying GRA is a highly respected corporate institution in the country. He said staff under the DHRA particularly should lead in an exemplary manner.

“Any institution that doesn’t have a strong Department of Human Resource and Administration, it will be difficult for that singular institution to perform in accordance [with] their ethics as they stand in coordinating every member of staff,” Darboe asserted.

He opined that unlike other institutions, GRA currently has more than 150 young graduates with masters, PhD among other degrees who greatly contribute in the extreme performance of the authority annually.

“These are people who have the energy and technical know-how to deliver to the best of their knowledge and we assure to motivate them greatly so they can maintain their outstanding performance,” GRA’s C.G stated.

He affirmed the need for GRA to redouble its effort and continue the commitment, team work, dedication and sacrifice as they are equally contributing to national development.

Ernest Mendy, the Director of DHRA, acknowledged the management of GRA for ensuring that staff under his department benefited from a two-day training.

He said the training was important and timely because they will discuss various areas of concerns that they have difficulties in and thus, fine a long-term solution in addressing the issue.

He however encouraged all the participants to take the training seriously and put the knowledge gained in good use in promoting GRA’s code of conduct.