GRA Sensitizes Business Community

GRA Sensitizes Participants

By Kebba AF Touray, reporting from Basse, URR

The Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), as part of its ongoing Tax Seminar, has sensitized the business community of Basse, URR, at the regional education directorate.

In his opening statement, Mr. Omar Sey, Deputy Governor URR, expressed gratitude to the business community for answering to the call of the GRA, which aims to sensitize and help them have deeper understanding of the significance of tax payment.

“The tax we pay, contributes immensely to the national development plan of this governance, because it cannot rely on donor support. It is the tax we pay that is used and ploughed back in relation to medical facilities, road construction and payment of salaries, among others. Therefore, the importance of taxes cannot be overemphasized in the development aspirations of the country”, he said.

He thanked the organisers of the seminar, adding, it will help people to understand the significance of tax payment and help people change their attitude towards tax payment.

Mr. Henry Monday, Senior Taxpayers Education Officer, explained that the GRA was created by an Act of the National Assembly in 2004 with the vision of being highly efficient Revenue Administration that enhances national growth and development.

He also said that the mandates of the GRA include taxes, charges, levies and collection of all revenues to the government, ensuring that all revenues collected are as soon as is reasonably practicable, paying to the consolidated revenue fund, administering and enforcing the GRA Act and review laws.

He cited that the revenue laws administered by GRA include the Income and Value Added Act 2012, Customs and Excise Act 2010, Entertainment Tax Act, Motor Traffic Act, Payroll Tax Act and Stamp Duty Act, among others.

Mr. Wang Ming, Chinese businessman said he has been conducting business in the country, but frowns at the poor road infrastructure that is hampering their work at their Chinese Mango Clinic and urged the government to provide solutions, noting that it is impacting negatively on their business.

He also hailed GRA for the seminar that will help them have better understanding of tax payment and its significance to national development.