GPU Trains CSOs, Media on Human Rights


By Amie Sanneh The Gambia Press Union (GPU) yesterday concluded a three day training on Human Rights for Senior Journalists and members of the Civil Society Organisation (CSOs).The meeting which brought together senior journalists selected by the GPU and Civil Society activists was held at the GTMI in Kanifing. The Secretary General of the Gambia Press Union (GPU), Saikou Jammeh, said the purpose of the meeting is to create a platform where journalists and Civil Society activists, who are usually the first respondents when rights are violated, would come together and interface. “When they interface, it can probably trigger collaboration between these groups of people and because when we collaborate we will be able to make more impact on human rights work,” he remarked. Human rights, he said, is crucial to the work of journalists which can be trace back to the founding principles of journalism. Mr. Jammeh also stated that Civil Society activists play a crucial role in the promotion of human rights and thus bringing them together will be vital in terms of sharing experiences because the spaces in which they work are different even though there are lots of commonalities. He said when it comes to relationship between the civil society and the media, there are lots of things which need to be improved upon and he believes that this is one step which can lead to it. He called on the participants to practice what they have learned in their various workplaces. “The purpose of every training program that the GPU organize is to give knowledge to the people, if you give them knowledge, you are empowering them, when you empower them, you expect them to act on the powers that you have given them so we expect them to go out and start implementing the knowledge that they have gain here. We are expecting to see more improve reporting on human rights issues in the media,” concluded the GPU SG. The GPU has recently signed a financial agreement with the German Government through its Embassy in Dakar. This training is the first of a series of activities to be conducted under this program.]]>