BCC Mayor to Contest for President of African Capital Cities Sustainability


By Ndey Sowe

Rohey Malick Lowe, the Mayor of Banjul City Council (BCC) has been short-listed in the run-up for elections for the President of African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum (ACCSF).

This came after the Mayor of BCC and her fellow contestants were invited on the 17th September, 2020 to take part in the strategic discussion on the future of the ACCSF and its decision-making process.

Mayor Lowe will be contesting the position against Mayor Adama Sangare (Mayor of Bamako- Mali), Soham EL Wardini (Mayor of Dakar- Senegal), Juliana Kabogodo Gondwe (Mayor of Lilongwe Malawi), and Mohamed Sadiki (Mayor of Rabat- Morocco).

It is said that the President of the ACCSF Presidium represents the political leadership of the ACCSF. Apart from being the main promoter of the ACCSF to institutions (such as the African Union) and during conferences, he /she is in charge of the strategic direction and development of the ACCSF (with the support of the secretariat).

Accordingly, he/ she will also represent symbolically his/her pairs, Mayors and Governments of the African Capital Cities.

This year due to the fact that a physical event cannot take place, candidates were invited to take part in the strategic discussion on the future of the ACCSF. The 2020 ACCSF is instead turned into virtual dialogue between the capital cities, in the form of a dedicated ACCSF webinar series.

The event aimed at providing leadership and direction; maintain the momentum of the ACCSF as well as driving continued engagements, support and progress on meeting the Sustainability agenda in African capital cities.

According to officials, the ACCSF Mayors were all invited to be candidates for one of the positions of the ACCSF Presidium. The webinar will be followed by a 3-week voting period to elect the new President, Vice President and Second Vice-President for a 3- year term.

“African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum is a powerful, growing network for the mayors of capital cities across the continent to achieve the sustainable development goals that are common to all”, officials said.

Officials added that it is a glowing opportunity to establish commonalities and challenges faced by mayor cities in Africa while showcasing and sharing successful initiatives towards the emergency of truly African, original and appropriate answer in addressing the sustainability imperative at the urban scale.