Photo Journalists Foundation Holds Meeting


By Nelson Manneh

On Thursday, 1st September 2016, the Gambia Photo Journalists Foundation (GPJF) held a meeting attended by reporters from Photo Journalists Foundation Holds Meetingboth the print and electronic media at the Alliance Franco.

The main aim of the meeting, according to the organisers, was to elect a new executive committee which shall be charged with the task of implementing the programs, projects and activities of the foundation as well as to protect and promote the wellbeing of the membership. It is further stated that considering the growing number of professional photographers and video producers with their cameras focusing on objects and the public at large for self-employment and contributing towards national development it is important to have such an organisation.

Mr. Baboucar S. Trawally, the co-founder of the Foundation, started by noting that the turnout is not as impressive as was expected, adding that it is not easy to bring people together to form a new organization.

‘’As you can see, we were expecting more people than this but we don’t know why they fail to turn out. Today according to our program guide we wanted to finally elect the National Executive  Committee but that cannot hold due to the poor turnout,’’ he noted.

He said images speak louder than words, they inform, promote, advertise and entertain the society, and some of their words can be exposed by creating national and international exhibitions. The Foundation, he said, shall be involved in covering conference, attending award ceremonies both locally and internationally, producing video TV and documentaries.

Mr. Trawally elaborated on the aims and objectives of the Foundation, adding that one of their objectives is to create a database of Gambian photo journalists and video TV producers reporting on education, health, agriculture, economic, culture, environment and good governance, adding that it is also to develop and promote quality work among members.

Mr. Samuel Kebba Cole, a veteran photo journalist from the Gambia Radio and Television Services, for his part, said they have to work hard in order to raise the flag of the Foundation.

“It is not easy but as time goes on, we shall achieve our goals,” said Mr. Cole.

He said the Foundation promotes the interest of its individual members so as to attract many people to come and join them.