Saayii Tolof – Part 180 EPISODE 14 (Difficult Marriages – Nyaaka Wahtaan Chi Saayii)


At Sack’s Office
He became consumed with D.K’s lust, as he perused through the pictures in her album with different types of outfit, traditional, continental and African robes.Daygou majestically walked into his office unannounced and startled him. Before he asked her any question, she first asked:
“Who is the other woman?”
“Which other woman are you talking about?”
“Don’t lie to me. If you don’t eat my food then you must be eating somewhere else. You are not talking to me and you are also not eating my food.”
“I don’t want to eat your food! Is it by force?”
“Then who is feeding you? I have a right to know as your legally wedded wife!”
She crossed over behind his chair and started looking at the pictures in the album and then said with sarcasm:
“She is a beautiful woman. My husband, you have eyes for beautiful things. I trust you.” Her remarks pierced his heart and he became embarrassed.
“I know her. She is the famous singer and performer who is very talented and is part owner of D.K Dancehall Restaurant and Resort. ‘Kuse! Kuse!”

She then left his office and drove home.

At Sack’s Home
 As Sack laid on the bed, Daygou starting praying loudly which he initially ignored.  But when she persisted with the noise to the point of making him unable to sleep, he then appealed to her.
“Day, we are all Christians but it is now late and I want to sleep. If I complain and sleep out you also complain and make issues about it. Please can I?” he appealed.
Daygou refused to listen and continued to pray so intensively and louder. Sack got up with his pillow and went to sleep in the private sitting room. Day followed him to the sitting room. Sack reprimanded her.
“Look at what you are wearing like a chief priest? How can you attract me in such an attire? You don’t take bath before going to bed, with your sweat and strong body ordour. Is this not repulsing me?”
“I don’t understand. Why are you chiding me? What should I wear when I pray to god? Take me as I am and please don’t compare me to anyone, love me as I love you period.”
“How do you want me to love you when you do not put on a night dress before going to bed and praying aloud disturbing my sleep and all what not. I would be talking to you but no response; my questions are not answered. I am pissed off and no longer attracted by you?”
Day felt being rejected and was dejected and resigned into herself.

He is a witty lad and very observant. He confronted his dad.
“Dad, I’ve not seen you give mum a peck as you always do as a routine. What’s the problem? Go back dad and give mum a peck as she is hard working and deserves one.”
Sack smiled and did exactly what his son told him do. He returned and gave mum a hot kiss to the satisfaction of his son.
“Thank you dad and bye!” said an appreciative Maagal.
“Bye bye dad and good luck!”
“Good bye, boy!”

A Spy
 Yaaye sent her niece to spy on Sack and Daamel and which she did.
Njillan drove her car to a position that enables her to have a good view of D.K’s house and waited there for long period.