VP Touray updates press on Government’s food aid distribution


By Yankuba Jallow

The Vice President of the Republic of The Gambia has on Wednesday, 27th May 2020 provided the press update of the Government’s food aid distribution to people of the country.

Dr. Isatou Touray said the Government’s food relief package is the biggest food relief response in the history of the country adding they are targeting 84% of the population.

She did not provide the media with detail explanations as to the number of households that have benefitted and those remaining. As matters stand, no one can tell whether or not the targeted beneficiaries have actually received the rice, sugar and oil. The food distribution by the Government has been criticised heavily from some section of the population who are with the view that it is not being done properly. However, VP Touray said “as the chairperson of the Cabinet COVID sub-committee I am indeed delighted to give a remark at the closure of this noble course that has brought joy to many households in the country in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

VP Touray is of the opinion that if the current situation of the country remains unchecked, it will deepen the already existing poverty of the people.

“Today, I am certain that the food distribution exercise in most parts of the country has either been completed or about to be completed or is nearing completion while others have started,” she said.

Foroyaa cannot independently confirm the fact adduced by the Vice President but we will interview communities to hear from them whether they have received the rice, sugar and oil and ascertain how the distribution was made by the authorities.