Traditional and Cultural Historian in Action


Rongo (Momodou Lamin Jarju) is well informed about the history and tradition of his area and is very keen in passing on that knowledge.

Rongo: “My primary aims, objectives & enthusiastic position with the little knowledge, resource & whatsoever I am blessed with is to be a positive development contributing partner of the entire humanity especially my wonderful nation & more so very particularly my local community but not to be in either way or manner an absolutely economic dependant.

I believe very much in the sacred tradition & cultural spirit of respecting, caring, sharing & trying to also consciously defend the right for one’s predestined integrity accorded to us by the Almighty Allah’s divine constitution.”

Gambia’s creative typical Traditional & Cultural historian Rongo on Sunday 6th Jan. 2023 in his popular Cultural Centre ” YARAMBAMBA” was lecturing eagerly interested visiting tourists about the rich, peaceful, educative & most respectful Gambian tradition & cultural norms with values in fostering peace, harmony & dignity with pride for oneself and as well within the entire human race.