With MUHAMMED SAILU BAH Welcome to another edition of know your public institutions columnPa  Secka Standards Bureau Director General which seeks to create awareness of the nature and work of public institutions in the Gambia. This edition carries an exclusive interview with the Director General Gambia Standard Bureau (TGSB) onthe establishment of TGSB. Foroyaa: Sir can you please tell our esteem readers about the Gambia Standard Bureau? DG Stand Bureau: Thank you for that question, The Gambia Standard Bureau was established as an Act of Parliament called The Gambia Standard Bureau Act which was enacted in 2010, that is its legal foundation. The Bureau actually became functional, by that I mean the setup started, staff were recruited the departments were developed in 2012 and that same year the standardization department was fully staffed and started work on standardization, and a group of standards in the area of food which was a priority, as we you may know it was developed all over the country and finalized in 2013. Foroyaa: How is the Standard Bureau structured? DG Standard Bureau: The structure of the Bureau is like this, we have a board of directors which leads the strategic direction of the bureau, and also the mission of the Bureau, and they are the ones who oversee the finances of the bureau. The members of the Board of directors is actually specified in the act and it is composed of: members from the public sector; that is the Ministry of trade, which is our oversight Ministry, Ministry of Finance; and also the private sector participation through the Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who appointed The Gambia Manufacturers Association to represent them there. Because as you know as you know standardization and quality issues are key in the area of manufacturing and through the promotion of manufacturing, it is important to be represented in the highest decision making body. Apart from that the other representatives are the consumers, overall we are all consumers.  If you talk about quality, testing, standards and so forth,  your overall objective is to ensure that there are quality production and services and these are the things demanded by consumers. So consumers are represented in the highest decision making level of the Bureau, which is unique to ourselves. I think we are the only institution in which the consumers are represented at the highest decision making level which is the board of directors. We also have representatives from the academia; the Vice Chancellor who is sitting for the University of The Gambia is also in the board of Directors so we have that. We have the management level, which is headed by the Director General which me Papa Secka, who oversees the day to day activities of the Bureau and you also have different departments known as divisions. The division of standardization, the division of metrology, the division of Quality assessment and the division of information and media which actually compose of standard information centre, as well as what is call the TBT enquiry point (Technical Barrier  Treat enquiry point) and under it you have the different standardization officers overseeing standardizations, the metrologists who are actually running the metrology laboratory, which is the sub institution under us, which defines the most physical accurate standards which are used to ensure that there is accuracy in measurement in the country. In a nutshell that is how we are structured. To be Continued]]>