“Sumaa Domm You Jigeen! Sumaa Jaamong!” Part 16 (My Daughters! My jewel!)


By Amie Sillah At the City T.J is enjoying the affluence of upper class life as she adapted quickly thanks to education. No more household drudgery now everything is mechanized and she becomes a bit lazy with two house helps, a house boy, a security and a gardener. Sura He drove into the compound and entered his house, T.J rushed to greet her husband kissing and hugging him. “I missed you! You’re welcome!” “Hmmmm!” “What a surprise!” She rushed to welcome her sister who is mesmerized with what she sees, touching and admiring everything. “How are Papa, Mama, Cow Maga, Nene Sap and our funny, rascal cousins Yerro and Lama?” “They are all fine.” “Hold on darling! She is from a long journey, let her sit, clean up with a hot shower and you serve her food. Afterwards you can catch up the gossip,” Sura posited as he climbed the stairs. “She is not a stranger here,” T.J posited. Meanwhile I.J the ‘Jenny just come’ is excited as she examined every item in the house. “You have such a beautiful house with all these decorations,” I.J expressed. “Allah who has done it for me will surely do it hundred fold for you.” “Amen oh! Amen!” I.J concurred. Catching Up Sisters’ caught up with the village gossip. “How are the villagers and our friends? How many have got married since I left?” “Do you remember Aisha my best friend who helped me pay for my WAEC fees?” “Yes, I remember her.” “She’s gone to the U.K to meet her husband, as she promised she is studying Nursing.” “That’s ambitious of her,” T.J posited. “Also Neneh and Bigay have married and relocated to the city.” “As for you, I am going to feed you so well that Papa and Mama would not recognize you when you return to the village; salad, fruits, vegetables, you’ll be brighter and fresher.” Shopping Spree T.J took her sister shopping. “I.J this is the city and you have do away with your village outfits, I’ll shop fancy city clothes for you to go with the city fashion.” T.J went to a fancy car and opened it. “Is this your car?” “Yes, it is my hussyoh; he would not allow me use taxi or public transport at all.” “How can I enter the car?” “Just open the door,” T.J explained. At the Kitchen Every item is automation and I.J is excited about it. “So you don’t grind or pound, everything is by machine unlike the village where everything is by hard labour.” I.J posited. “I don’t do anything whatsoever I need tocall just Mansata or Lolly the house helps to do it for me and the same thing applies for you, if you need anything just call one of them,” T.J explained. “I don’t want to stay lazy, I’ll cook, and I love the art until I leave for the village. It will be easy and takes less time everything is automation.” “If you say so. But my husband said household drudgery is a slave civilization that his wife will not be bogged by it, everything is automation, washing, ironing, cooking etc. He wants be just to sit down, look nice and be pampered.” I.J is surprised and amused. “But you have to do exercise for good health.” “I join the gym and I’ve stop due to my pregnancy.” Yaa Baajen She visited her friend Jaa who is now a ‘big woman’ in the village. She brought the ‘Dutch wax cloths’ she gave her to keep as a co-lateral. She touched her wig and admired it. “T.J bought it for me from the city and said it is the latest in fashion.” “O it is beautiful and I am glad for you eh!” Jaa kissed her. “Where is your husband?” “He’s gone to the farm to check on the farm hands and to show them how to use the mechanized gadgets.” “Tell him to take rest now while the children take care of him for he has done his part.” “I was not expecting you,” Jaa posited. She took out the ‘Hollandish wax prints’ and gave them to Jaa. “I have forgotten about them, let me go inside and get your money. I hope you are not angry with me.” “Not at all, I have not come for the money, D4 000. 00 is nothing compared to our friendship, take it as my contribution towards our girls’ education, I am sure one day they will solve my problem when I have the need to visit them and also when you go to the city for ‘bambaane’ (baby sit) you’ll buy me goodies,” Yaa Baajen posited. “Of course! You have helped me throughout our hardship years and the girls are aware of that. You were always there for me at my time of need, indeed a very good friend,” Jaa posited. At the City Sura came with his best friend Tundea business tycoon associatefrom Nigeria. I.J came and served them refreshments. Tunde is amused as he eyed her. “If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask me, I am at the kitchen,” I.J said. “It’s okay,” Sura said. When she left Tunde asked. “Who is she?” “She is the elder sibling, T.J’s immediate elder sister. “She is so fair and beautiful,” Tunde commented.Sura smiled and hmmm. “Let us go we’ll be late for the meeting,” Tunde posited.Not so fast, I have to go upstairs and get the appropriate permission to go out.” “Okay I have forgotten; go upstairs and tell madam we are going out,” Tunde posited. Pregnancy T.J is pregnant and Sura treats her like an egg. “My husband is processing my admission into a private university. Guess what?” “What?“Sura is also processing yours just as he had promised Papa. “Are you serious?” “Very serious.” “I am very excited T.J, your husband is Allah sent to our family, he loves our family,” I.J posited. “Also another thing, Tunde, do you remember him, Sura’s tycoon business partner from Nigeria.” “What about him?” “He is a bachelor and said he likes you.” “What for? Whatever! Tell me about the pregnancy, how do you feel?” I.J asked. “Mama had already told you, get me a fresh juice made from the juicer and add some ice cubes if you want me to tell you about my experience,” T.J bluffed. “Are you taxing me?” “Of course! Do you want to hear the experience or not? Mama will be officially invited for the city ‘bambaane’,” T.J announced. At the Village Jaa She visited Sap at her house and gave her some present. “I.J went to the city and sent me some grocery and I’ve brought your share.” Sap is over excited as she emptied the nylon bag at the table. “All these goodies for me? O thank you very much my sister. May Allah fill their wealth fountain.” “This is also a lace material for you to manage, they have given me a handful.” “Manage! This is more than manage; this is material for ceremony O thank my children for me.”I’ll.” “I know T.J is living in a big mansion in the city?” Sap asked.    “We thank Allah for everything. Is your husband inside?” “No he has gone to work.” “We are one I want to tell you something; Allah has done it for us again O! Our daughter I.J is getting married very soon, his suitor’s family will come to the village to ask for her hand in marriage.” “I am very sure she too is getting married to another big man, lucky you!” Sap posited. “Allah is praised! We thank him for his blessings,” Jaa posited. To be Cont.  ]]>