The coalition Agenda was born out of the need for the opposition to come together to vote President Jammeh out of power and this has worked. It worked because it was inclusive, every Gambian wanted to be part of the movement for change because that was what voting out President Jammeh meant. No one felt left out, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, origin or even political affiliation.

What united the movement is the desire for change by voting out President Jammeh. Now that, that has been attained the next stage is the implementation of programmes to effect the change – ensuring freedom of expression and the media, ensuring liberty including the freeing of political prisoners, asserting the rule of law, protecting the independence of the judiciary, protecting freedom of religion, electoral reform and so on and so forth.

This is the desire of every Gambian whether they are part of the coalition or not. Those who are not part of the coalition will soon come over if they are welcome with open arms and enlightenment. There is really no need to assault them or destroy their properties.

The cause of the coalition is not an ethnic crusade that seeks to destroy and divide but a united movement for change.


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