Seyii Tolof – Tolof – Part 577 EPISODE 37 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Domm Ju Gorr’ The value of the Male Child)


Reflection Cont.
Yaga went into tantrums as she stood at the gate hurling insults at her step-mom and her dad by extension;
“Woman wrapper you believe whatsoever this witch of a step mom tells you she killed my mom and made me an orphan now you don’t talk to me you despise me because of her juju; God make her barren she’ll never hear the cry of a baby.”
Her dad came after her with a whip;

“I have cursed you, you’ll never be happy until you die; what have I not done for you, you were sent to the finest schools what did you get? A baby for a criminal and you end up aborting it was that not your first abortion you hid it from me but I got the information through your friends; he’ll never marry you but deceiving you mark my words.”

At Nasaah’ Home
She visited Nasaah quite worried he welcomed her with open arms;

“What is it my darling? Is it your family again?” She nodded her head.
“What have they done again?” He asked with keenness.

“My dad under the influence of his witch of a wife drove me home I am now confused where can I find shelter?”

He kept quiet for a while and said;
“Come and live with me.”

She jerked and asked;
“With you?”

“Why not? You don’t have a place and I offered you one why not?”

“You are a man your suggestion impact on both of us differently how would society see me cohabiting with a man who is not my husband?”

“Society! Society! Society! Where was society when your dad under the influence of a with drove you away from  your compound? ’Na so den tan dey kin talk! Ignore them and we live our lives.”

She is convinced then she asked;
“How can I get my suitcase from home?”

“Forget about the suit case I can shop for you from my contract money we did some contract and this is from my share.” He show her large packet of new notes and she became excited.

“Thank you my darling you are the only one in this wide world who showed me love apart from my late mom my dad used to until he marry this witch of a woman. I believe you now and can entrust my life to you.”

“This is my story is it not reason enough to co-habit with Nasaah? My dad never believe that mystep mom was maltreating me.”

“My boyfriend is excellent he loves and cares for me when my parents rejected me. He practically  saved my life but this is my fourth abortion and he is asking for the fifth.”

“How old are you?”

“I am 24th going into my 25th year.”

“24th going into 25th year with a burden of 4 abortions going to 5th? It is dangerous don’t do it is my candid advice.”

“Nasaah has no job just ‘raba-raba’ how can we take care of a baby.”

“Don’t make me angry why are you careless on prevention but instead go for a risky adventure? I don’t support abortion this time around give birth to the baby and give it away for adoption.”

The former Household Administrator came for some recommendation from the traditional ruler for his new career he sent his letter and it reaches the hand of the ruler and he summoned his family and staff.

Sophia Sly heard of the letter through the other staff and hatched a conspiracy she used the services of a fraudster and he made some camera tricks where Henry was made nude and playing with small girls she also sent it to the traditional ruler damaging Henry’ character.

Pa Gela
He was furious and felt insulted Sly used an anonymous pseudo name.
“Look at this porno how can I recommend such a filthy human being? What I should do is to hand him over to the police such rotten people corrupt our young girls.”

She was very happy that she will damage Henry’ career.
“He is corrupt to the core I said it.”

“This is false I have invited an expert to reveal the truth Henry is a decent fellow I have complete faith in him.”

Pa Gela
“Let the expert does his work but for me I reserve my opinion I’ll not stick out my head for any person I’ve done it before but was betrayed.”

The expert Alieu
He solved the mystery and showed the patched work;
“Henry’ picture was cut and pasted at someone else’ photograph he is innocent.”

Her countenance changed and she argued vehemently that it was Henry by so doing she revealed her hostile intention towards the gentleman and became a suspect Taaru attacked her directly.

“Why are you so agitated are you responsible for the picture?”

“No! No! No! Never! How can I do that? I have nothing against him we used to agree to disagree.”
To be Cont.