Seyii Tolof – Part 55 (Difficult Marriages)


By Amie Sillah

Every day he paid his friend a visit to watch his back since Lolly is no longer trusted.

She rushed into the compound shouting Ken’s name as Lolly came in.

“What a surprise Aunty Dor, who is running after you or who are you running after?”

She came and rushed into the house, took the briefcase and hurriedly started to leave but Sailu intercepted her;
“Where are you taking the briefcase?” He enquired.
“Stupid friend! Would you not mind your business and save your wretched life? I have no answer for you.”
Ken signaled him to leave her and when she left he said;
“Am I not to the task? They are faked documents, let her be.” He smiled.

“Let me confess!”
“Confess about what?” Ken asked with surprise.
“Leave her to talk, confess!” Sailu urged.
“Everything was a setup, Neneh is innocent.”
“I suspected it! Neneh is not such a character, so kind and naïve!” Sailu posited.
She went on;
“Neneh is innocent! We the ‘Trio’ cooked everything; the pregnancy claimant, the Sheriff, Seer, everything was fake and a setup to uproot Neneh, Lolly was implanted to suck you dry before finally killing you and take your properties that was a later conspiracy between Mam and Lolly the two sisters excluding Mengeh and myself, the master executioner.”
As she confessed she started to scratch her body all over and crying for help.
“We sowed a seed of discord, confusion and distrust between the two of you that was the reason for Neneh’s sudden change of behaviour as we also made her to distrust Mama, hide from her and to float her advice. We wreck her home out of jealousy, she did us good and we paid her evil and destroyed her home due to our evil ways we transformed our spouses into ‘vegetables’ and pawns befriending ‘big shots’ and sleeping with young men we called ‘babies.’ The wages of sin, nemesis has finally caught up with us, my two friends died because when I had the revelation of our impending doom I cautioned them but they would not listen and instead caricatured me, I do not want to die that’s why I came to confess.
Ken forgive me for wrecking your home.” She shouted and started manifesting mad behaviour as the duo tried to restrain her actions she took out Sailu’s hat, put it on and rushed out of the compound into the streets as a mad person.
The two friends were overwhelmed.
“To the village to bring back your estranged family, it is sad but a good lesson for all couples, we should invite Allah (God) into our relationship and not Satan (the devil); I have a lot to learn before I finally tie the knot.” Sailu said.

To the Village
The duo reached the village and Mossan came out as soon as she heard the sound of her father’s car which she was expecting since they arrived at the village.

She sang the family favourite song in burning tears which touched everybody’s heart and magnetized the couple, dad sang back in emotional tears and embraced his daughter, Neneh came out of the house and chorused the solo in burning tears as Sailu, Mama and Sengan shed emotional tears. They attracted each other and formed an interlocked circle, Ken looked around and asked;
“Where is Burang? Where is my son?”
Neneh burst into uncontrollable tears and every one joined the emotional outburst.
“Where is my son?” He thundered.
“Your son! Burang has passed upon! Burang! Why didn’t you wait to witness such a day?” Neneh asked through sobs.
Ken knelt down on the floor and wept bitterly as Neneh was on the ground all sorrows renewed again.
“Allah is great! We are still young, kids will come again, and another Burang will be given to us again.” He raised his wife from the floor hugged and consoled her.
“Mama it is already late we will spent the night and leave tomorrow for the city. All is well we have learnt a lot during our trial and tribulation; Sengan will now complete his university education without a hitch. I’ll reimburse your business as well as Neneh’s business she will no longer be dependent on a husband, Insha Allah!”

She was disappointed to find out that the documents were faked, Semester friend ditched her when he found out her games and married a young girl whom he took to Europe because he was once married with an indigene and has acquired legal papers. She has ‘nyaka bubu nyaka chene!’ (Loosing both the monkey and its chain.)
Married couples beware of bad, negative influence, confide in your spouse and positive influence.

End of Story 3