Saayii Tolof Part 398 EPISODE 30 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Dusa Nawle’ not your Category your Class)


Getting Comfortable
As it is said there is a first time in everything as time goes on and with the absence of the husband busy at work she became comfortable with Alhajj as a comforter and financier now she wants to see less of the husband Fams rang;

   “Sweetie I know you’ll be mad with me but I’ll make it up to you for sure this weekend I’ll be around.”

She took a comfortable turn which surprised Fams;
“Sweetie I have understood you now it is for the betterment of the family my heavy work schedule plus the family will always keep me busy take your time whenever you can if not our lines are open.”

   “That’ my sweet heart I am just thrill see you by the weekend.” Fams smiled;
“What has happened? She has not protested as usual.”

She is now enjoying the chess game being in full swing with Alhajj the greed and lust make the conscience go to sleep.
After every session they praised each other;
“You are just too much so kind and generous.”

“Why not when you give it to me anyhow you have made me a young man again enjoying the game very much you shall never lack as you suit my taste come on baby give it to me ye!” The duo laughed hilariously.

   “Alhajj you were a naughty ‘ndongo’ when you were young I am fascinated by your jokes.”

“Say it again a school master was once a school boy girl let us enjoy life unlimited.”

At the Village
Mba Jonsaba is a ‘Jongnge’ and ‘Jongama’ a bluff she put on seductive dress making up to go to school Imam protested;

  “Mba Jonsi! What are you doing dressing seductively like this in this village? Are you mad? What will people say that Imam’ wife is this or that? You have two grown up children married with children come back and put on your shawl.”

Mba Jonsi
    “People say this or that am I living for people? Life is short and has to be enjoyed am I old just in my late forties even age is just a number well I’ll take the shawl but will not change my long dress.” She came back put on the shawl but did not change her long tight dress which is not age appropriate.

Lang Landing
   He is her eldest son he just came on time and concurred with his father;
“Dad is right I am always ashamed to call you my mother does being educated make you shun your customs and tradition? What is wrong with wearing a grand boubou or other age appropriate dress just like the rest of the villagers?”

Mba Jonsi
She scolded her son;
“What is it am I not a free woman? I have children and grandchildren so what? Don’t classify me as rest of the villagers I am not them and they are not me I can compromise with the shawl but will wear my long dress period.”

Lang Landing
   “Remember us as your children please don’t hurt our feelings when following your vanity and lust.”

Mba Jonsi
She gave Landing a nasty slap;
“Why do you disrespect me? Don’t you know I am your mother?”

  He scolded Landing;
“She is correct she is your mother and you have to respect her she is my wife I’ll talk to her please apologize.”

   “I am very sorry Maama I don’t not mean to disrespect you I was just expressing my genuine feeling.”

Mba Jonsi
“You better be sorry!” She hissed and left.

   He called Landing and advised him;
“You mom is erratic you have to be careful how to address her I know how to go about it am I not her husband?”

“Dad you are very soft mom is taking you for a ride you are the Imam of the village and your distractors are always using mom’ waywardness to insult and taunt you.”

  “Leave me to worry your mom is my ‘naatu’ (my cross) I love her that’ why I refused to marry a second wife my family is angry with me and said she has cast a spell on me. I don’t want her problem please take it easy with her and let us all pray over it.”

   “I’ll never marry a woman like mom she is so overbearing.”

  “Pray that your wife Kumba stay cool like this your mom was not this ‘kufang’ (over bearing) when I married her she later change and took me for granted when I refuse to take another wife as my family suggested she went around fighting and insulting them and said she has tied me around her wrapper what can I do it was not in my system to marry another wife and it coincided with her desire what our people say ‘tombe’ (coincidence).”

“If Kumba turns out to be like my mom I’ll divorce her.”

   “It is easier said than done my son pray that she does not change like your mother there are stages in life when you are helpless only prayers can salvage us my son.” He touched his head and prayed for him.

She is at work when she received another text;
“Another D20 million posted to your secret bank account.”
“Alhajj you’ll not kill me.” She smiled;
“These millions neve panic me I have now to plan my life that even if he stops I’ll not lack anything, stop? No! Who will stop it not me?”
To be Cont.