Saayii Tolof Part 351 EPISODE 28 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Yaaye Ju Buge’ The Greedy Mother)


Ugly heads start to appear in her relationship with the Don the honeymoon is over sooner than later Ted stayed at home to honour Efy’ birthday but instead of providing her company he irritated and insulted her as he drank to stupor Efy was frustrated as she protested;

“What sort of company is this? On my birthday you promise me company but instead insulted me and got drunk to stupor, what have I done to deserve such treatment Ted?” She wept bitterly.
“Is this the nemesis my father and Bimbo kept referring to? No! I’ll not allow you humiliate me in the midst of my opponents I’ll fight it out with you bumper to bumper.” 
She poured cold water to wake Ted up he woke up as an angry lion as he sprang at her and beat her blue black then raped her incessantly just to inflict pain and to insult her;

“You are not my wife but my whore didn’t I buy you to dump a man who made you human you and your greedy mum bounce on me with the intention to milk me but you are mistaken the Don know your desperate type it is my money you love not me, me if I were to bankrupt today you’ll take to your heels you poverty stricken idiots I’ll show you pepper trust me.” He staggered and got up from Efy and he instructed,
“Go now and prepare me food to eat afterwards you come and satisfy me in bed.” He pushed her hard she almost fell down with sore and bruised body she went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for Ted who laughed and mocked at her.
“Where is your pride?” He laughed weirdly.

“I curse you the day I met you.” He gave her a nasty slap.

“I am fed up with you, you are done for now my infatuation was curiosity to taste you but you are tasteless you are not my type I am no longer interested in you.”

She cried bitterly and said;
“Look at what my mother’ greed has landed me into I was foolish to go along with her plan and betrayed my only true and sincere love my hope is shattered no love no respect.”

In the Morning

  She knocked at the door and Efy went to open it;
“Who are you can I help you?”

He came out from his room and answered her;
“Sweet heart come right in you are welcome to my humble abode.”
  “Sunshine thank you.” She walked past Efy with a long hiss. Ted embraced and gave her a sweet kiss and said;
“Come right into my room.” Hamida went into the room and Ted locked it from inside. The duo spent sometime in the room then come out and found Efy sitting in the sitting room she got up and confronted Hamida;

“How dare come into my home and frolics with my husband?” Before Hamida could say anything Efy slapped and fell her down and beat her blue/black her screams rushed Ted to the sitting room he pulled Efy from Hamida and beat her blue/black in front of her.

“How dare you embarrass my guest? Are you mad?”

“What effrontery! How can you bring a woman friend into my home?”

    “Your home! Are you kidding me? Your family could not even buy a bicycle not to say a modern state of the earth furnished house, your married wealth stay quiet and enjoy it if you can or better still pack your rags and leave!”

“Stop insulting my parents!” She protested.

She glee and mocked at Efy;
“Thank you Sunshine for rescuing me from a rabid mad woman.” Then she started to leave Ted stopped her;
“Sunshine let me give you a lift in my new toy.” His latest posh in the market.

She rang her mom and cried bitterly;
“Mama I am dying all that glitters is not gold Ted is a coax a good for nothing man, blabbing and doing nothing since I came into his house he has given me nothing apart from feeding money and money for mansion upkeep that’ all he refused me allowance for personal effect he argued I now have numerous personal effects until sometime later Mama I am dying slowing, Ted is a womanizer everyday he brings women/girls of different colours, shapes and sizes and when I protest he assaults me in front of them he rapes me violently when I protest my lesson is that I’ve leant not to challenge him in front of his women what should I do Mama?”

Mama Aiye
She went outside the home to advise her daughter as she is keeping it as a secret from her husband who is an opponent of the marriage.
“These are teething problems my daughter marriage is not a bed of roses and it is always a wife who molds her husband as her children some men are babies and Ted is childish show him love and understanding and stop the nagging and these right issues whenever he has his guests male/female entertain them well.”

“What are you saying that I should entertain his female friends also?”

Mama Aiye
“Are you not a wife out to please her husband at all cost? Serve all his friends with smile on your face my daughter it is difficult to have a rich husband nowadays my fault was to let my rich suitors go and instead marry your father look at me now a shadow of my former beauty and whenever I see my suitors with their wives living luxurious life I hate myself and hid from them. Make hay while the sun shine is my candid advice.”

“I’ll do as you’ve said and would surely become an obedient wife never to argue with Ted again thank you for your good motherly advice I’ll serve him well body and soul.”
To be Cont.