Saayii Tolof is an ongoing life EPISODES of Different Stories the Author has begun EPISODE 34


Saayii Tolof Part 490 EPISODE 34
(Difficult Marriages – Two Great Friends Yaafuse (Careless) and Faagaru (Careful)

Yaa and Faaga as they are fondly call by their loved ones are two great friends from different  social backgrounds in university Yaa from the higher class housed and shared his welfare with Faaga from a struggling family whose mother is a widow his dad died while he was two years old.

Yaa is from the noble clan in olden days Kings came from his clan in modern times his father is a Chief of his people but he never tells his friend about it and lives a normal student life. His family are the custodian of their custom and tradition he was born as it is said with a silver spoon and plate.

A girl from a high social background Teeye (Tida) is madly in love with Faaga because of his charisma and determination to win in life but unfortunately Faaga is a different type of man he wish to try to fail and learn again not to use a rich girl to make it in life this frustrates Teeye and she interprets it as rejection and hatred.

Yaa has to inherit his dad’ position but with condition attached he has to be married in a month’ time this puts him in a great dilemma will he pass the test?

Yaa becomes a victim of Internet dating he hallucinates and daily interact with the Voice whom he deeply loves and cherishes he yearns and cherishes the opportunity to meet and marry his love the lovely Voice.
An interesting and interactive EPISODE nice reading! Welcome EPISODE 34!

Chief Nelson
He dressed in chieftaincy regalia and his wife Madame Eliza praised him and the gallantry of his ancestors.
“My husband you a regal the lion of his people no one can march your charisma and elegance I am proud and very fortunate to be your wife and the mother of your heir.” She hugged and kissed him Chief smiled;
“I am also very happy and please to be your husband and you being the mother of my heir and successor and also amazed and fascinated with your use of words to inspire people thank you the Queen of my heart and soul.”

Praise Singer Sengan
He knocked and was asked to come in he came in and sang emotional inspiring songs about Chief’ ancestry, their gallantry inspired Chief who patronize him handsomely while Madame smiled when Sengan touched Chief’ inner soul with the melodious tunes from the flute.

“Your son Yaa is coming according to your driver Amadou, Deputy and Elders in Council await you at the General Sitting Room.”

“Thank you I am after you.”

Madame Eliza
“I am the happiest woman on earth my son the heir is coming home after his university training.”
Chief went to meet his people.

He is in the transport with his friend Faaga enjoying the green scenery of the country side both friends originated from rural area and same Region.

At Chief Mansion
The Elders, parents and servants were all assemble to welcome Yaa home.

The Protocol
Sengan as usual sang the traditional song of the ancestry Yaa danced to it before proceeding to greet Chief. Madame Eliza who blessed him before proceeding to Deputy then the other Elders he then introduced his best pal Faaga to his parents who welcomed him to their abode.

He is confused by the whole arrangement he never knew his best pal is from the ruling family he observed and remain mute. Deputy welcomed him and the griot Sengan salutes him. Elders expressed their joy in seeing the heir of their Chief.

He formally welcomed his son to his community. Madame Eliza is extremely happy that her son is finally home.

He called his son to his room;
“You have to be initiated into the Masquerade Cult before you can be made Chief in waiting the Elders and Chief Priest of the Ancient Shrine are all waiting for you.

“But I am Very tired dad wait until tomorrow am just arriving give me time to settle.”

“You are mad it is the Gods who protect your life armed robbers attacked your university and killed some people but you escaped unhurt thanks to the Gods of our land for it now you have to go to the Shrine for Thanks Giving in few minutes time it is a decree hurry up the Elders are waiting.

Labir (Lala)
She paid a visit to Maama Faaga who she found suffering from a bad cough she took medicine and fruits for her Maama was forcing herself and doing her laundry Labir took it from her.
“Maama what are you doing laundry in this condition? Let me do it for you.”

“But what can I do my daughter? Thank you but where is my son is everything okay with him?”

“Their school is closed all students have returned home I’ve come to see Faaga who should have been here by now but is not a problem I’ll find out but I know he is okay, have you taken your drugs?”

“My drugs are finished.”

“I have brought you some and I’ll buy more when next coming please take it easy upon yourself.”

He joined the party to the Shrine.

The Ceremony
Elders were present as well as seven virgins from the seven villages that form the community each of the virgin girls brought survival items for the heir to the chieftaincy and welcomed him into the Masquerade Cult
To be Cont.