NPP-APRC Coalition: President’s Honorary Adviser on Strategic Communications Resigns from her Post


A journalist cum activist, who was appointed Honorary Adviser on Strategic Communications, Development, and Emerging Social Issues, by President Adama Barrow, has resigned from her post, barely few days after the NPP and the APRC formed a merger.

Fatou Jaw Manneh wrote in her resignation letter: “I wish to inform you (the President) about my resignation from the position of Honorary Adviser on Strategic Communications, Development, and Emerging Social Issues with immediate effect.”

“The last few months have been both educational and challenging for me. I am dedicated and always devoted to contribute and bring insights to meaningful change in our country, the Gambia. I have not been able to access, utilize and exercise demonstrably the roles and functions I was meant to serve in your government. I have values, principles, ethics, and morals, which I cherish exceptionally and protect over time.”

She said the National People Party decision to ally with the APRC has many implications for governance and integrity associated with her roles and functions.

She added: “I can’t entirely agree with the conceptual framework of the alliance, and it is my firm belief that this particular alliance undermines the integrity of your government and jeopardizes everything I stood for as a journalist, activist, politician, community worker, learner, and educator.” 

“Personally, I am not against some form of amnesty at a later date to Jammeh and his cohorts of abusers, in the name of peace and reconciliation, but this blanket amnesty on these terms are unimaginable and an insult to Gambians.”

She said from an ethical perspective, allying with APRC is a total miscalculation of their spirit of NEVER AGAIN and a direct insult to the victims of Jammeh’s 22 years rule of terror

She added” “I was excited at the opportunity accorded to me and willing to help to usher in democracy for the new Gambia.”

She said she would instead support the President on that trajectory and lose elections than win elections with a formal alliance with a dictator on ‘these fraudulent terms’ that undermine their quest for democracy.”