Next Election – Opportunity to hold the president accountable – says UDP Leader


By Kebba Jeffang

Lawyer Ousainou A.N.M Darboe, leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP) has described the forthcoming presidential Lawyer Darboeelection as an opportunity for the people to hold the president accountable.

He made the remark while speaking at a rally in Serekunda on Sunday, 13 March, 2016.

He said the president promised that Banjul will be like other developed cities in the world but after 21 years there is still no consistent electricity in the capital.

He noted that people are aware that Jammeh’s home village of Kanilai is fast developing.

“There are increasing signs that Kanilai will become the capital city since it is hosting cabinet meetings all the time. The role of Banjul as a political city is dwindling by the day. Banjul is a city of lights but it is becoming a city of darkness.”

Mr Darboe criticized the decision to rename the highway that was named after the founder of Serekunda, ‘Sayerr Jobe Avenue’ to Yankuba Colley, Mayor of Kanifing Municipaliy, describing it as one of the worst decisions the regime has ever made.

Darboe described the late Sayerr Jobe as an important figure in the development of the country who has contributed more to the area than Mayor Yankuba Colley.

He said President Jammeh claimed that he is a Pan-Africanist which is not true because he is not practising such ideals. He added that what shows that President Jammeh lacks Pan-African values is his support for dictators like Presidents Pierre Ngurunziza and Robert Mugabe.

Referring to the border closure, Lawyer Darboe noted that this is not the second time the border between the Gambia and Senegal has been closed. “It was clear that the last border closure was caused by increment of tariffs; therefore it is very clear that if it increases again the same will happen. Without considering the public plight and the national interest he did it deliberately and the border was closed,” he asserted. He counselled that though Gambia is a sovereign nation, in making certain decisions you must think of the repercussions such decisions will have on your own people. He pointed out that The Gambia Ports Authority (GPA) is losing huge revenue at the moment due to the border closure. He urged the president to swallow his pride.

Mr. Dembo Bojang, the National President of UDP said President Yahya Jammeh lacks the knowledge and experience to lead the country. He added that President Jammeh made numerous promises which are not even near fulfillment such as constructing a railway line. He added that President Jammeh’s claim that Europeans will come to Gambia to clean our streets for us due to our development and economic empowerment is a mere dream.

He called on women and youth to bring down President Jammeh’s regime in order to give chance to his party come the December election.

Mr. Kemeseng Jammeh, the former Minority Leader of the National Assembly said it is election year that gives the opportunity to Gambians to remove the long standing regime of President Jammeh. He urged all and sundry to maintain and preserve the peace that the country has ever been enjoying as change can be effected without a problem.

Madam Yam Secka said President Yahya Jammeh wishes to destroy Senegal/Gambia relationship but he cannot do it because he lacks the means to do that. Addressing her fellow women, Madam Secka used the International Women’s Day to pay tribute to some women such as Nyimasatou Sanneh Bojang of PPP and Amie Sillah of PDOIS for their role in the political development of the country. She urged her fellow women to vote out the APRC regime and institute a UDP government.