Maiden Press Briefing By Ministry Of Agriculture


Abdoulai G.Dibba

Ministry of Agric

The Ministry of Agriculture on Tuesday 26th September 2017, held it’s first press briefing at the Ministry’s conference hall in Banjul.

During the press briefing, the Minister of Agriculture Omar Amadou Jallow, told the Agricultural Project Director and Department officials under his ministry that the press is not their enemy but instead helpers who make them to be aware of their shortcomings and provide them the opportunity to correct the wrongs. “If the press writes something about you which is not objective and factual, you are being provided with the opportunity to correct it,” stated Minister Jallow. During the press briefing, the head of the National Seed Secretariat, the National Food Precessing and Marketing Corporation formerly known as GGC, the Project Director NEMA, the Project Director FASDEP, GAVCDP, Director General of NAR, the Director of the Department of Livestock and the Coordinator of the Central Project Coordinating Unit, all made presentations on their current activities.

During the question and answer session, the following issues were raised and addressed. The issue of the role of ITC, CPCU, DLS and their achievements, the issue of self-sufficiency in rice, the need for an agricultural data base showing the hectarage under cultivation in the different crop varieties in each cropping calendar, the possible yields per hectarage with the different crop varieties, the sudden dry spell and it’s possible impact on food security and the re-instating of Ebrima Jawara by the Personnel Management office.

The press briefing was chaired by Permanent Secretary 1 and the closing remark was delivered by Permanent Secretary 2.

Follow Farmers’ Eye in subsequent editions for details of the press briefing.