LRR Schools Close For NaYConF


By Kebba Jeffang Schools within the Lower River Region (LRR) were compelled to close for the Christmas holidays a week earlier than the scheduled date forthe vacation in order to make the classrooms available for the accommodation of participants attending the eleventh edition of the National Youth Conference and Festival (NaYConF). In addition to providing accommodation facilities, it was revealed that all schools in the region have donated a total sum of over sixteen thousands dalasi to the local organising committee for the event. Commenting further on the financial donation from the schools, Mr Musa Susso, the Regional Education Director for the Lower River region, said it was both the teachers and students in the region who made voluntarily contributions towards the funding of NaYConF. Mr. Susso said the days lost in this early closure will be compensated by re-opening school a week earlier than the official date for the upper and senior secondary schools. As for the lower basic schools, he said they will be resuming later on 12th January because a large number of teachers at this level are involved in an ongoing teacher training programme under the Gambia College during the holidays. However, Pakalinding Upper Basic School will be closing later as its ground is not affected by the event.]]>

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