Is It Not Urgent To Subject All Ministers, Nams And Members Of Councils To Voluntary Testing?



National Assembly members have been in Session with many Ministers answering questions and making motions. Some are found to have tested positive. It is important for the Health Ministry to make special arrangement for the blood samples of Ministers, National Assembly members of councils to be taken and tested before the convening of any Cabinet, National Assembly or Council meeting.

Those testing positive should be able to become role models for the numerous health practitioners who are now testing positive. Family members of those in the frontline are worried. If massive sensitization is not done and awards given to the health workers to show care and love, staff attrition from the medical sector would be a likely consequence of the spread of the PANDEMIC.

The PANDEMIC should give rise to a culture of keeping safe distance but not a culture of stigmatization and alienation of those who help us to defeat illness. Those infected in the line of duty deserve the love care and empathy of all . They are the heroes and heroines of our times.

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