ILO, Government Hold Validation Workshop


By Louise Jobe

The Government of the Gambia in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) held a validation workshop of the Reviewed Gambia Decent Work Country Programme on Wednesday October 10th 2018, at a local Hotel.

The formulation of the programme was done in collaboration with its social partners such as Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) representing employers and the Gambia National Trade Union Congress (GNTUC) representing workers. However the programme has not been implemented due to lack of funds and the target period 2015 / 2017, has lapsed.

According to Mamadi Dampha, acting director of employment, the system needs to be regulated; that many employers do not give employment letters to workers; that the minimum wage has not changed or improve for the better. The draft DWCP document also highlights recent developments in the Gambia’s socio economic arena as necessitating an increase focus on the attainment of decent work for all in the country.

Mr. Barrow from the Labour Department expressed the hope that the concerned Ministries, will look at the recommendations and consider them.