GAMPOST Presents Reports to PEC


By: Kebba AF Touray

The Gambia Postal Services Corporation [GAMPOST] has yesterday appeared before the National Assembly Select Committee on Public Enterprises Committee [PEC], for the presentation of the Corporation’s 2015 and 2016 Activity Reports and Financial Statements.

Phoday M Jaiteh, Managing Director stated that the vision of the corporation is an innovative and reliable multifunctional customer focused model postal, financial and business service provider.

He narrated “the mission of the corporation is to have an information communication technology based system that is capable of fulfilling the decision support and service delivery requirements of GAMPOST, a highly knowledgeable, skilled and motivated staff, an institutional structure and systems that are proactive and responsive to customer needs and be the standard bearer in all the services and products we provide”.

He explained that the corporation has conducted a series of trainings for its staff to boost competency and among them is the training provided for its IT Officer on engineering program on Microsoft certified systems, training for three procurement officers of which one has been successfully conducted, on skills needed in procurement and the training of One Audit Staff, coupled with the provision of medical insurance to all the employees.

He expressed improvement in its mail delivery service throughout 2016 in the areas from J+10 to J+7 in the rural areas and expressed optimism of improvement on mail delivery service and quality of service to exceed UPU standards of J+5 throughout the country.

“The quantity of mail [letters and parcels] on in bound is 48,235.75kg in 2012, 32,700.69kg in 2013, 37,528.59kg in 2014, 44,086.43kg in 2015 and 31,565.08kg in 2016. The mails handled on out bond are 18,850.11kg in 2012, 16,489.74kg in 2013, 19,934.60kg in 2014, 21,066.32 in 2015 and 10,241.60kg in 2016,” he said.

Samba Ceesay, Finance Controller, highlighted that the total current assets of the Corporation stood at D108,527,661 in 2015 compared to D117,858,649 in 2014, whereas the total current liabilities decreased form D20,001,993 in 2014 to D18,656,666, resulting to a total liabilities of D40,493,956 in 2015 compared to D41,117,189 in 2014.

“Total liabilities, equity and expenses also decreased from D23,072,273 in 2014 to D21,091,422 in reserves decreased from D117, 858,649 in 2014 to D108, 527,661in 2015, total income has slightly decreased from D21, 679,894 in 2014 to D21, 423,265 in 2015, whereas the total operating 2015”, he said.

He added “the net cash generated from operating activities stood at D748,529 in 2014 to D7,610,749 in 2015, cash flows from investing activities stood at D1,243,203 in 2014 to D781,658 in 2015 and the net cash used in financing activities also increased from D4,542,700 in 2014 to D7,513,510 in 2015”.

According to the Gambia Public Procurement Authority, GAMPOST, have among others awarded contracts to suppliers who are duly registered with the Authority in line with section 24 of the GPPA Act[2014], GAMPOST solicitation documents were not biased, but did not conduct any major contract in  2015 and 2016, as such the Corporation has been found to be 66 percent compliance in 2015 and 78 percent in 2016.

The reports await the verdict of the committee, through its legislative considerations and adoption due today 4th October 2018.