Gambia Registers 13 New COVID-19 Related Deaths Bringing the total number of deaths to 64


By Nelson Manneh

The Gambia over the weekend registered thirteen (13) new COVID-19 related deaths bringing the total number of deaths to sixty-three (63).

The Samples from all but five of the thirteen (13) new fatalities were collected posthumously and the median age at death of the new fatalities is 65 years.

Over the weekend, The Gambia also registered two hundred and forty-nine (249) new cases, taking the total number of COVID-19 cases ever confirmed in the country to one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872).

The Gambia currently has three hundred and thirty-two (332) people in quarantine, one thousand four hundred and eight (1,408) active cases, sixty-three (63) deaths and one hundred and eighty-three (183) probable cases.

Ninety-seven (97) new discharges effected from the treatment centres, bringing the cumulative number of recoveries to four hundred and one (401).

One person was newly taken into quarantine; fifty-two (52) new discharges were made.

Modou Njai, the Director of Health Promotion and Education at the Ministry of Health said twenty (20) laboratory staff and volunteers, from both public and private health facilities, have been trained on COVID-19 sample collection.