Farm-Gate Price Of Gnuts Will Be Announced In December


Abdoulai G. Dibba

The president has said that the farm gate price of groundnuts for this year will be announced in December.

The President made this disclosure in a meeting at Kuntaya in the Jakadou District of the North Bank Region, while addressing the audience in the course of his nationwide tour.
This is contrary to the Secco Managers’ call on his Government to announce the farm gate price for groundnut, one month before the start of the coming trade season.

In the meeting, the president did not stop at telling the audience that the farm gate price of groundnut for this year will be announced in December, but went further to promise the audience that there will be no credit buying.

“Once you take your groundnut to the ‘Secco’ and it is weighed, you will be paid on the spot” president Barrow told a jubilant crowd.

Meanwhile, ‘Secco’ Managers during a meeting in Jenoi in the Lower River Region of the Gambia, called on the Government to announce the farm gate price of groundnuts at least one month before the start of the trade season. The meeting of the farmers in Jenoi was designed to sensitize them as value chain stakeholders on the trends, requirements, potentials and opportunities in the agriculture sector particularly groundnut, cashews and cereals.

The announcement they said will discourage farmers from selling their groundnuts to middlemen particularly if the price is good.

However, the president indicated the contrary by saying that the farm gate price of groundnut will be announced in December 2019.