Absence of Prosecution Witness Hampers Ex- FASDEP Coordinator & Co Trial


By Rohey Jadama The criminal case involving Mr  Fafanding  Fatajo, the Project Coordinator of FASDEP, under the Ministry of Agriculture, and Fatajofour other officials of the same  ministry could not proceed yesterday 20th July before Justice Simeon due to the absence of a prosecution witness. The other accused persons are Omar Jammeh, Financial Controller, Alieu Gaye, Accountant, Bakary Kujabi, Procurement Officer, and Burang Danjo The case was thus adjourned to 15th October 2015 at 1pm for the testimony of first prosecution witness. The 5 Agricultural officials were indicted on 18 criminal charges ranging from multiple counts of ‘Neglect of Official duty, forgery, and conspiracy, among others. However, when the charges were read out to the accused persons, they  all denied culpability, prompting the prosecution, led by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), to apply for an adjournment to enable them bring their witness.      ]]>