By Mustapha Jallow Mr Musa M. Houma, according to a reliable source has been relieved of his position as Director General of the Agricultural Director on 10th July, 2014, and subsequently replaced by Mr.Ousman Jammeh, a former Regional Director of West Coast Region. Reports also indicate that he was on trek up-country when he received a phone call ordering him to quit the mission and return to the office. Apparently his employment was terminated by the government of the Gambia after a dismissal letter was issued to him upon his return. Readers could recall that Mr Houma was earlier arrested on June, 11th 2013 by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), and detained at their headquarters for nearly a week and released on June 21st 2013. According to information, after his release, he was re-appointed as the Director General before his recent removal on Thursday 10th July 2014.]]>