Sutukoba Horticultural Gardeners Extol NEMA Project, but…


By Kebba Touay

Women horticultural gardeners of Sutukoba village in the Wuli District have praised the NEMA Project, for the establishment of a new garden for the village.

The women beneficiaries made this disclosure during an interview with this reporter who is currently in the district.

Nyima Jaiteh, a woman gardener said with the new garden project, the problem of inadequate space for horticultural production is history.

Mabintou Keita on her part stressed that horticultural activity is the second farming season in the country. She however said they were constrained with space for production and that they rely on the sales from their produce for the sustenance of their families. The new garden, she said, will maximize their horticultural production to the fullest.

Fanta Trawally also hailed the NEMA Project for coming up with a new garden for villagers and appealed for the supply of the needed tools and seeds. She further appealed for NEMA and Government to help them with market outlets to sell their produce.

Aja Mariama Touray also emphasized the need to provide women gardeners with pesticides to protect their produce against pest infestation. Pesticides, she said, will increase the yields of their produce.

Fatou Touray also expressed similar remarks and said what they produce contributes to the attainment of food self-sufficiency; that the new garden provides unique space for the realization of this dream.