Seyii Tolof- Tolof Part 589 EPISODE 37 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Domm Ju Gorr’ The Value of the Male Child)


She rushed to the other Maidens and raised her concern;
“I am not use to such life style my mouth is big and I said anything that crosses my mind and these class people do not like that I am afraid to lose my job what should I do now?” She paused.

“That is not done here waiting is done in movies not real life even though filthy rich these people are very ancient in thinking. It is done unintentionally you are fine you’ll be forgiven.”

She came in and joined the conversation;
“Are you in deep shit? What have you say or done?”

“I waited on Sir and Madam and they were displeased with that.”

“Only that didn’t they comment on you not putting on uniform?”

“No! They didn’t perhaps they already know it is Madame Taaru’ preference they did not comment on it for now. But your uniform is beautiful.”

“Sly works here the longest she is our boss who show us the work.”

She became crossed don’t talk about me to her she is quite different from us and she is not my friend.” She marched away.

The house administrator has gone back to school to study his Masters’ programme in hospitality he is doing very well as the Maidens discussed his progress he showed up;
“Hello Maidens how are you faring? Where are the seniors?”

“You look executive whats up? I see you are enjoying your work your body is very fresh.”

“It is a vacation to quit the job I would not have the opportunity to study for my Masters programme in Hospitality I want to be a chef in one of the executive hotels using my experience here I have a better chance.” Sly saw him first and hid herself due to shame and embarrassment. He looked around  and did not see Sly and asked after her. 
“Where is Sly I did not see her she did not come to work?”

Before she answered Sly came and lied;
“I was doing some errands outside how are you Henry you look great what are you doing now?”

“I am doing my Masters Programme in Hospitality.” She wanted to investigate further but was not given the chance. She then left stealthily as she has come. The Maidens looked at each other and smiled.

She alighted from her car came forward and greeted Henry;
“What are you doing with yourself you look great what can I do for you?”

“Recommendation Madam Taaru to confirm I worked in your household for a period of 3 years that’s all.”

“Bring it out let me sign it here and then.” She took the document and signed it immediately she then drew a cheque of D10, 000 and gave it to him he was flabbergasted;

“Madam just signing the cheque was enough nothing less nothing more. You taught me how to fish for a life time thank you very much may Salaah hover her enemies and the sky is her limit.”


“You deserve it so honest, hardworking and respectful you are always welcome.”


She eavesdropped and heard everything said then she commented;

“Despite all my misgivings towards him he still make it with a clean heart let me let sleeping dog to lie he is working somewhere else and he asked after me when he came he bears no malice.”


She is a smart guy she learnt from the criticism and improved for the better. She cooked a good dish and served Sir and Madam with sophistication which impressed Sir the most. He blessed the food then thanked her; she left with esteem.

Papa Gela
He observed her keenly then asked;
“Have you seen what I saw?”

Maama Linguerre
“Seen what? I saw nothing” She said with disgust as she has observed Papa’ keenness

Papa Gela
“She is improving her food better and tastier.

Maama Linguerre
She became angry thinking Papa was lusting after the Maiden or trying to fix her with Jambi their son neither was a  go area.
“I am not happy how you are praising this Maiden what do you want from her? I don’t think you are referring  to what I am thinking?”

Papa Gela
“What are you thinking can you share?”

Maama Linguerre
“Never mind it is okay.”

Papa Gela
“Go and tell Jambi lunch is served.”

“Jambi Papa said to go to the dining to dine with them.”

“No bring my lunch to my Study I’ll eat here while I work it is more comfortable for me.”

“Can I say something?”

“Let it be short and interesting it should not be silly am I understood?”

“Are you fair to yourself and your health?”

“Go on what do you mean?”

“Don’t be offended I have a big mouth you lock yourself in this room airless I mean natural air only AC you don’t move, walk around, see, talk and exchange words with people what sort of life is this? Your parents are right it is good to join them for once it is very good for your health I am very sorry I am like this I talk my mind I cannot gossip it does not solve problems. I am very concern about you.” She quickly left without turning back.   
To be Cont.