Pensioners Elect New Board Representative

Photo of pensioners at the event 

By: Kebba AF Touray 

Pensioners have converged at a hotel in Bakau on Saturday May 5th, to elect their representative at the Social Security and Housing Finance Corporation (SSHFC) Board.

The event started with the refund of D 500 as transport fees for those members who came last week when the meeting was postponed due to the “set setal”.

Mr. Sulayman Nyassi, PRO of the Corporation, in a pre-election opening ceremony, emphasized that the convergence was for the pensioners to elect their representatives at the said Board, following the expiry of the outgoing representative, Mr. Malick Foon.

Mr. Alhagie K Jeng, Head of Operations at the IEC, explained that the election is in accordance with Section 7, subsection 1 of the SSHFC Act which calls for a new Representative to be elected after the expiry of the 3-year term of the incumbent. “A person can nominate and be nominated but has the right to reject or accept the nomination if he or she deems fit,” he said.

Nomination of Candidates:

Mr. Bakary E Jammeh 

 Mr. Youssupha Jaiteh

 Mr. Jeffrey Rener 

 Mr. Alhagie Faal

The nomination was an opened one, with interested candidates Mr. Bakary E Jammeh, Mr. Jeffrey Rener, Alhagie Faal, Youssupha Jaiteh, Alhagie Alieu Mboge and Malick Foon, nominated. However, Malick Foon and Alhagie Alieu Mboge, declined their nominations, making it a four-horse race, between Mr. Bakary E Jammeh, Mr. Jeffrey Rener, Alhagie Faal and Youssupha Jaiteh.

All four candidates were given five minutes to address their electorate, by putting their programs before the pensioners, who were to elect them as their representatives at the Board.

Respect for the rights of the pensioners, increment in their monthly salaries and benefits and the refund of their seven years drawbacks were highlighted by the aspirants as their main priorities, when elected. Subsequently, the voting ground and materials were set up and the voting started. Voting was done using paper ballots, conducted by IEC Officials.

A total of 197 votes was cast, Mr. Jeffrey Rener pulled out 126 votes, Mr. Alhagie Faal got 52 votes, Mr. Bakary E Jammeh scored 10 votes, Mr Youssupha Jaiteh secured 9 votes, and thus Mr. Jeffrey Rener was duly elected as the pensioner’s representative at the SSHFC Board of Directors.