Young Journalists’ Association of The Gambia Mourns The Death of Journalist Sise Sawaneh


It’s absolutely devastating to learn about the demise of one of the brightest young journalists of the country, Sise Sawaneh in a car accident on Wednesday, 9th October, 2019 in Kiang, Lower River Region, claiming two other lives.

Sise’s loss is indeed depressing for her colleagues in the media especially young practitioners. She was a hardworking reporter who found her job very passionate and committed to it throughout. She was also a popular volunteer in youth work, defender of women’s rights and advocate social justice.

She left an indelible record in her relatively short span career, having worked at several media outlets in the country, both the print and broadcast with her current employer being the state broadcaster, Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS).

Sise will also be remembered for her role as a reporter in the daily newsletter production for National Youth Conference and Festival (NaYConF) held at Jarra Soma in 2014. She performed diligently in her duty like always.

While we celebrate Sise, we pray to Allah to grant her soul in Jannah with all other departed souls. She is missed!

Rest in Peace!

Secretary General
Bakary Ceesay