Wrestling will get a new leadership by February when delegates usher in a new set of individuals to run affairs of the association.


This follows the dissolution of the previous executive led by Matarr Jarju –pictured – by the National Sports Council (NSC), overseer of sporting bodies.

The congress which will also be an ‘adoptive’ one according to the Council, takes place February 4th 2016  9:30 am at the Independence Stadium Friendship Hostel in Bakau.

‘Given the above, all registered clubs are kindly requested to forward two (2) delegates each and three (3) from the Regional Wrestling Committees.
Furthermore, nominations will be done at the congress for all positions to be contested for,’ the NSC said in a dispatch issued this week.

Sports Council took the move to disband the GWA after the Matarr Jarju-led leadership failed to hold an elective congress a month following review of its constitution by stakeholders.

The arena should have officially opened since October 15th 2016, however, vigorous calls from stakeholders who accused the current Matarr Jarju-led leadership of overstaying their welcome in power, manipulations and other vices, triggered the current standstill.

Stepping in, the NSC, as overseer of national sporting associations, opted to dissolve the GWA, a thing that cleared the path for stakeholders to elect in a fresh executive to steer affairs of the traditional sport.