WOJAG President Says Sexual Harassment Policy Not Witch-Hunt Exercise


By Momodou Jarju

The president of Women Journalists Association of The Gambia has revealed that the new sexual harassment policy meant for media workers is not a witch-hunt exercise against male journalists, but to end the act.

Sarjo Camara- Singhateh, while speaking at the opening ceremony of a 2-day training of journalists on the aforementioned topic, said the objective is to a framework for provide prevention, correction and protection from sexual harassment and promote gender mainstreaming in the media industry.

“The policy will help each and every one to be able to report sexual harassment in the media industry. It is not a witch-hunt against men, but it is here to address unacceptable acts in the media industry by breaking silence through reporting perpetrators,” she told the participants at the Media Academy for Journalism and Communication (MAJaC) in Bakau.
The sexual harassment policy is part of a 12 months project secured by WOJAG through the GPU with funding from UNESCO at a tune of 22 thousand dollars- about D1.1 million.
Madam Camara-Singhateh said all complaints of sexual harassment will be taken seriously, treated with urgency and respect, and in confidence.

“No one will be victimized for making a sexual harassment complaint,” she added.
The policy is here for both men and women, Aminata Sanneh, the chairperson of the ceremony emphasized.