Two-month ban for wrestler Ginneh Morry


By Sulayman Bah Gambian-based wrestler Jinneh Morry would not take to the arena till Jinneh MorryMay after having been banned and fined by the Gambia Wrestling Association, Foroyaa Sport can reveal. Club Serrekunda Mbolloh leader’s suspension is linked to his combat in February during which his adversary Flex of Club Roots sustained a serious eye injury. The injury, picked up just minutes before the combat, rendered Flex hospitalized and unable to fight thus leading to Jinneh Morry being controversially declared the winner without any fight. But details soon emerged that a member of Jinneh’s camp threw at Flex what, according to eyewitness account, appeared to be pepper. A GWA disciplinary committee’s investigation found Jinneh Morry culpable ‘of throwing a stuff’ and thus banning him from wrestling for two months and imposing a fine of D7, 500. The wrestling association based its move on Article 62 which states, “All other cases not indicated in the present regulations will be dealt with by the Executive Bureau according to the rules and regulations in to force.” This, however, is not the first time that a Serrekunda Mbolloh wrestler is slammed with a ban, as Tass-sa-yaram was also suspended by the GWA before he travelled last year. Jinneh Morry’s ban runs from 23rd March – 22 May. Follow details of this story in our next edition.  ]]>