THE UNIVERSITY AND THE STUDENT FROM HUMBLE BACKGROUND Accessibility is determined and limited by affordability


appealing to individuals and institutions for support. This problem is growing and the latitude which used to be given to students to continue and have their records kept until they pay has dissipated. Now payment must be done before being entertained in any class. Interestingly enough, when the University Extension Programme was introduced, Mr Burris Devanney, who deserves an Honourary Doctor’s Degree, acknowledged that many brilliant Gambian students may find it difficult to pay their fees. Hence the UEP and the Nova Scotia Gambia Association established a scholarship programme which was funded through contributions from individuals and associations. The second initiative was the employee upgrading initiative which encouraged employers to support employees with capacity to upgrade their qualifications so that they could serve better. Foroyaa will approach the University administrators to find out what schemes are on the pipe line to assist disadvantaged students to continue their academic pursuits and inform the public. Innovation is necessary to find new avenues to enable the poor students to have access to university education otherwise poverty would limit access due to in affordability.]]>