Never in the history of Gambian politics have such a crowd been brought together to engage in a procession which lasted for over five hours without any incident. At a given time, the crowd stretched from the Qcell area all the way to the Serekunda market. People could not count the number of transports and people on board the vehicles and not mentioning those walking on foot. They were hungry and thirsty but they had the motivation to defy both and continued with their march. Gradually those who were used to inflammatory and derogatory remarks conceded that such remarks will not win them support.

Foroyaa could hear officials of the Coalition calling on the younger ones to give messages that could earn them the support of those who may distrust change because of the potential for revenge.

In this respect, the political map of the country is being transformed and one would expect a violence free election. All the leaders who spoke at the Coalition rally at the Buffer Zone saw the need to impress on the supporters to focus on campaigning to win those who are yet to support the Coalition rather than say things that would antagonize them. In this respect, the Coalition has started very well.