The Registration Monitors Are Reported To Be Given Access


Reports coming to Foroyaa indicates that complaints lodged about giving access to information by registration agents has been addressed in the specific stations that were brought to the attention of the IEC authorities.

What is outstanding is the attestation made by the Mayoress of Banjul without consultation.

Those who have condemned the practice have equally proposed a compromise where a male and female priest and a male Imam and female Muslim elder in Banjul could be mobilised sit with the mayoress to consider attestations. Could the IEC not publish this approach in the Gazette as a compromise until the country grows up from the Stone Age practice of not making the acquisition of a birth certificate and ID card universal, free and compulsory as a birth right? Under such circumstances there will be no need for attestation.

In the meantime all Gambians who are entitled to vote should not wait for anyone to mobilise them. They should walk to the closest registration centre where they want to vote and get their birthright in order to have a say on how their country is governed.

No voter’s card, no power and no voice!!

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