The Lessons On The Science And Arts Of Intelligence


Update On Kexx’s Case

The science of investigation reveals that the facts which must be corroborated to produce evidence cannot be gathered without intelligence. This requires a discerning mind which harbours no prejudices or biasness but is just after the truth and nothing but the truth.

The mind that will grasp truth must not be distracted by gathering and putting pieces of information that would never add up to be evidence worth taking before a court. This only leads to a fishing expedition.

When a person reports a case one has to gather information  and determine whether it could be put together to provide evidence that could be presented in a court of law to prove   guilt  in which case a  victim could be accompanied  to acquire redress. On the other hand if the information cannot add up to be tangible evidence one could convince the presumed victim that there is no sufficient information to rely on as evidence. In either case , the investigator would be considered to have acted professionally with due diligence.

The art of intelligence gathering is to act in good faith without fear or favour , affection or ill-will   in discharging one’s responsibility. The Science is to show due diligence in gathering relevant information that could serve as evidence or may fall short of revealing the truth.

Foroyaa hopes that in this new dispensation every sovereign Gambian is safe when one comes into contact with members of the disciplined force . It is presumed that they will handle every complainant and accused person with respect and conduct investigation with impartiality and professionalism so that each case would be handled in good faith in the public interest.

Foroyaa is still waiting for a Press Statement with  a seal  to determine the authenticity  of the source. Until then we presume that the case reported by Kemeseng is still under investigation. We have not received any information concluding that the case is no longer under investigation.