The inspector general of police held a press conference on Friday to give the indicators that will be utilized by the media to hold his office accountable.

According to him, the time has come for the police to adhere to the following core values:  

“To be a professional, accountable public service, respecting human rights and the rule of law.”

In order to uphold such values, the challenges had to be identified, the strategic plans outlined and resources needed to implement them projected.

The challenges are as follows:

Capacity gaps in areas like forensics and DNA evidence to minimize human error and biases during criminal investigations and eventual prosecutions, lack of adequate mobility for operations resulting in lack of timely response to public calls for police assistance, digitalization of workflow and records management to enhance efficiency and efficacy, insufficient uniforms to all officers, needing more model police stations and barracks for PIU and ACU personnel. 

The strategic plan to address the challenges were identified as follows:

  • Intelligence-led policing
  • Robust day and night patrols to prevent commission of crimes
  • Continuous training of personnel to maintain their effectiveness
  • Strategic deployment of PIU and ACU personnel across the country to provide armed support to the General Duty police officers and sister services
  • Providing guards for VIPs and vital installations
  • Regular sensitization on crime prevention and road safety
  • Establishment of the highway patrol unit

The police service like the civil service should be ready to serve different governments to the optimum. Those who serve in such services should be loyal to country and people, nothing more and nothing less.