After the declaration made by President Jammeh that he has nullified the election and that Gambians will go back for election, many soldiers were deployed at strategic locations. Heaps of sand bags decorated major intersections in Kanifing Municipality, Banjul and beyond.

The Coalition asked their supporters to go about their businesses and fraternize with the soldiers wherever and whenever they could by helping them with cigarettes, green tea and even meals.

A week has elapsed since his declaration but Gambians are going about their business while waiting for the day of inauguration of the President- Elect. Instead of the eruption of violent confrontation, the soldiers in the streets had their guns turned against shadows. Since shadows cannot be killed the guns have been silent.

What is prudent now is for the Jammeh administration to realise that the Gambian people will not allow their victory to be squandered by violence. They control power and have entrusted their power to the person they chose. Hence it is prudent for the incumbent to accept the verdict of the people.