The Courts as Instruments for the Protection of Justice


The granting of bail is the recognition of the principle of the presumption of innocence before the acknowledgement or the establishment of guilt.

Every judicial authority is a human right defender. The courts are courts of law and should not be under the direction or control of any other authority but the law and the fundamental principles of justice.

When the hands of the courts are tied, justice will not be done and will not be seen to be done.

On the other hand, when the hands of justice are free, justice will be done and will be seen to be done.

Every judicial authority has signed a contract with justice. Their actions will be weighed on the scales of justice. Their weight will not be measured on the balance of probability. On the contrary, they will be weighed on the balance of truth and nothing but the truth.

Those who deliver justice without fear or favour, affection or ill will, will always be seen as ambassadors of truth and justice on this earth. They will promote fairness which would do away with all vindictiveness and revenge. In that way peace and tranquility will prevail in society.