TANGO Launches 2022 CSOs Sustainability Report


By Amadou Manjang

The Association of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Gambia (TANGO), on Monday, 30 October released the country’s report on Civil Society Sustainability Index (CSOSI).

The Civil Society Sustainability Index report aimed to assess the strength and viability of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the Gambia.

According to MrsNdeySirengBakurin, the Executive Director of TANGO, the report will help them to know the strength and weakness of CSOs in order to build their capacities.

The report covers 73 countries including the Gambia. It is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The report covers seven dimensions: the legal environment, organisational capacity, financial viability, advocacy, service provision, sectoral infrastructure, and public image of CSOs.

MrsBakurin said: ‘The Civil Society Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the capacity of the civil society sector to serve as both a short-term partner in implementing development solutions and a long-term actor in ensuring that development outcomes are sustained.’

She added that the report will provide a snapshot of the sustainability of CSOs as well as offers a platform for dialogue, collaboration and learning.

MrsYadiconNjieEribo, the Chairperson of TANGO, said the report will provide a valuable insight into the current state of affairs of CSOs in the country.

“It highlights the progress we have made and the challenges we still face in ensuring the sustainability and defectiveness of our sector,” MrsEribo said.

She added that the report will be useful in helping CSOs to identify places they need support and intervention.

However, she further said that CSOs face numerous challenges such as shrinking civic space, funding constraints and increasing hostility towards them.

“Our collective responsibility is to address these challenges head-on and create an enabling environment for civic society to thrive,” she stressed.

She urged CSOs to utilise the findings of the report to inform their strategies, policies and actions.