With SaikouSuwarehJabai

You are welcome to yet another edition of your weekly Student’s Voice.
We feature stories, articles, poems, etc, from students and teachers
alike. We encourage other students to contribute and get their writingskills developed. The column is open to all and sundry in the
education milieu in of The Gambia. Sit back, relax and enjoy these
fascinating pieces.
“The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for
themselves.”- Ray Kroc

After contributing to a great destruction to our one and only planet
due to the excessive emissions of the greenhouse gases which are
mainly produced from the burning or our fossil fuels (coal, natural
gas and oil), there has called the need to look in to a positive
perspective that can drive us to a more clean and healthy  environment
and also help to reduce significantly the climatic disasters that we
are prone to in the future .It is time that all nations act on climate
change for the benefit of our future generations.
The direction is towards clean and renewable energy that have been
studied by climatic scientists .Wind and solar, and are among the
renewable sources of energy that could give a high output of energy
efficiencies, improve health as it seeks to halt the emissions of
carbon and other greenhouse gases, develop economies and enhance
employment through clean and renewable energy industries.
Gambia and other African countries should take the lead of renewable
energy from the blessed sun, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal
heat that we are endowed with. As the world struggles to meet the
demands of energy there is a corresponding exploitation of fossil
fuels for the operation of our daily activities in industries, homes
and other work places, The environment we live in suffers a great deal
from the pollution that those fossils contribute and hence create an
imbalance response to the very people causing the problems through
climate change.
Therefore, the need for concerted efforts on the issue of reducing
greenhouse emissions over target years should be enforced greatly and
encourage the mechanism of utilizing clean and renewable energy
especially for developing countries like the Gambia
The Gambia, a small country on the beautiful continent of Africa
declaring its plan of reducing emission between 20-30% by 2030 from
2000 levels has clearly sent signals for other countries to take the
footsteps because there cannot be any genuine excuse. It is one of the
world least-polluting nations who could have insisted on the reducing
their low quantity of emission because of the negligibility of its
emission and more importantly, is still struggling to meet the demands
of electricity to her public.
We need to stop the crime against our environment that does all things
possible to keep our wellbeing .The logic to accept the phasing out of
clan and renewable energy is for bringing up a world of high health
standards and by analysis from scientists, geographers and
meteorologist have shown that renewable energy resources exist over
wide geographical areas which is in contrast to other energy sources
(fossils), which are concentrated in a limited number of countries.
The adaptation of clean-renewable energy and energy efficiency will
obviously lead us to the global security, climate, and economic
benefits. There will be a significant balance of global energy demand
as almost all countries could establish renewable energy projects.
The way to achieve success in phasing out carbon or greenhouse gas
emissions must start with governments formulating policies that are
supportive to this move and be able to accept common interests during
climate negotiations. There is need of adequate renewable energy
projects exhibited on large-scale. Renewable technologies will be more
convenient when suited to rural and remote areas and developing
countries, where energy is often crucial in human development.
Climate change impacts have already claimed thousands of lives on
different continents of the globe. The scientists have clarify that
the threshold for the average global temperatures must not exceed
above 2°C (degree Celsius) targeted to keep the earth for severe
future climatic catastrophes. This is sending an alarm. Therefore in
other shunt  the catastrophe that is ahead of us which is as a result
of our own activities we must be ready for a change and create another
alternative clean source  of energy such as wind ,water and solar.
It is time for attitudinal change towards mitigating the climate
change but yet we are on its course of destruction through the use of
our greenhouse gases. During conferences intended to collaboratively
work on the solutions of climate change there are countries trying to
come up with measures that are not favorable to the entire globe.
Efficient, renewable and clean energy is the gate way to attain our
dreams. If we want to keep the global average global temperature at or
below its determined threshold we needs to start work now.
By Musa Manneh
Climate Change Activist


The greatest adversary of humanity
Disintegrated society
Traumatized communities
Rip apart families
Pressurized papa
Tortured mama
War in Africa
War in Asia
Global nightmare
War everywhere
Patronized by decadence
Egocentric elements
Willing to kill billions
To earned millions
War a threat of peace
Buried alive souls into pieces
Broke hearts without medication
Nurtured orphans without education
Criminals without borders
Babies without fathers
Habib Gaye,