With Saikou S Jabai


Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed,” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Gambia College Students’ Union is the body that is responsible for governing and protecting the welfare of the general studentry of The Gambia College, which comprises of the school of Education, Agriculture, Nursing and Midwifery and Public health.

These aforementioned schools have been and continue to contribute immensely to the socio-economic development of the country. However, considering the current political situation of our beloved country, the body deemed it necessary to convene an emergency meeting on the 31st of December 2016, which was fully, represented by the four sister schools to take a decision on jealously safe- guarding the welfare of its students.

After a thorough discussion on the matter, we decided to come up with a resolution that ALL GAMBIA COLLEGE STUDENTS WILL NOT RESUME ON THE 9th OF JANUARY 2017 (as stipulated on the schools’ calendar) UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

All students that should resume class on the college campus, teaching practice, clinical practicum and field attachment will not resume school until this same body meets and finds it fitting to do so. The resolution is a true representation of the students concern and it is none partition. Therefore, all students and stakeholders are urged to give utmost respect to this resolution/decision.

Issued by the Student’s Union

We claim our generation to be the best
While when it is arranged hierarchically it is the last
The attitudes and bahaviours are calcified with
Modernization which grows in us like tumor.
I cry every day, tears rolling down my cheeks
When I realise that we are just unworthy sons and daughters
who refuse to take the advice of the ancestors.
Claiming that it is backward
When it is in fact forward.
Ah mother and father show the way
As we were deaf to your advises
Come to us and help us not to go astray
Not to be transformed into something which is a taboo.
For we don’t want to be tied up
Just like we are tied to our own soils but we want
To be up the Kilimanjaro.
Our minds are almost upside down
In a way that things are in a limbo
And we know not which path to choose
Your guidance is good for us
For we are lost in the middle of the evil forest.

Amadou Luther King Ceesay,

President of Social Science Club,

Kotu Senior Secondary School.

Politics may be a dirty game
but it is also a clean game
Without it humans could be nothing
Even if human has everything
Politics is really something
As humans are living beings.
Politics is in the veins of humans
Ever since the arrival of humans
I hate to hear people I hate politics
And the question I ask is
What will the world be without politics.
Politics is a dirty game
When politicians are liars
Building castles in the air
Giving the people inaccurate facts.
Politics is major cause of human problems

As the lives of people are always darkened
But without it the world will be even darker
Even if every development is seen
There is politics though not unseen.
All the meals we feast on are political decisions
The good roads are part of political developments
The security is part of political developments.
But still we term politics a dirty game
But remember that politicians may be famous
Even if there is fire with flame
Politicians will continue getting fame.

Let us hope that those playing a clean game

Get the upper hand

And let us become aware to put them ahead of us.
Amadou Luther King Ceesay,

President of Social Science Club,