SeyiiTolof – Part 58 (Difficult Marriages)


By Amie Sillah
Dinner Party
Sohu’s nephew Harona is being sponsored to pursue his university
education and he is very helpful to the couple. He admired their dress
up as he opened car door for them.  “Aunty and Uncle your ‘Ashobi’ suit is just fabulous, enjoy your
selves and don’t forget to bring my packed snack.” Rone teased.
“You are a fabulous nephew anything for you just take care of the
house for us.”
The Kids
They sometimes play naughty with Maria their house keeper.
“Come and have your bath before going to bed.” They resisted.
“Daddy or mammy has to come and lullaby us to bed after bath.”
Kumuna the eldest persisted.
Maria (Degane)
“Kumuna you are a foolish girl, do you think you are still a baby? In
fact, Jomfolo is more mature than you.”Degane chided her.
Hesmartly dressed up in the same ‘Ashobi’ with Ti but he suddenly
developed high fever and shivering;
“Sweetie I don’t think I’ll be able to attend the dinner party. I am
very sick and shivering.”
Ti’s mobile rang and she picked it.
“We are able to come but….”
Gaa took it away from her:
“What are you thinking about? Do you want to spoil their great
moment together? You can attend on our behalf since I cannot make it.”
He posited.
“No way can I leave you alone, let’s call it a day and I’ll explain
when I see them.” Ti posited. She took him to bed and nursed him.
“Tomorrow what come may I’ll escort you to our family doctor you
are just stubborn no wonder Mabs refer to you as an ‘educated bush
man’; is she not right?” Ti is very crossed at her husband.
Mabel (Mam Ndaxte)
“How is your ‘educated bushman husband’? Tell him to do what is right
and stop giving ‘our baby of the family (Chaat) hypertension.”
Grandma Sarah Sawdatou
She arrived at home and it was Maria Degane who first saw and welcomed her.
“Grandma we all miss you, how is the village with its fresh fruits
and vegetables in season? I hope you’ve brought abit of everything for
“Why not my love! I’ve brought a bit of everything for you, go and
get my sack.”
Mabel Mam Ndaxte
She also arrived and Ti went to meet her.
“Sis Mam it is no longer necessary to talk to Gaa Grandma has
already arrived to assume such a role and you can now go back to your
tight schedule you just don’t have the time to be monitoring this
naughty man-boy.”
“No! You have it all wrong, it is the best opportunity to address Gaa
in front of his mother as the spoilt child he is, some family members
can act as virus or catalyst and in this case Mama can act as the
latter since she knows her spoilt son better than any one of us. Just
leave things to me as your elder sister and more experienced than
“You won Mrs. Virologist!”
Family Meeting
Mam Ndaxte states her argument.
“Gaa here has been on self medicament for quite a long time now I
advised my sister to put him on fruit/vegetable diet to boost his
immunity she did which was effective for a while but not anymore he
now needs testing and proper medication to ascertain what the problem
is because malaria and typhoid do kill and I don’t want him make my
lovely sister a widow at such an early age.”
Mama Sawdatou
“God forbid! My lovely daughter-in-law cannot be made a widow at any
time soon. All be rest assured tomorrow by God grace I’ll personally
march him to hospital; what is wrong with you George? Are you mad? Are
you crazy? Am I not a retired schoolmistress? Trust me now.”
Mam Ndaxte thanked her and left as Ti followed her.
“Didn’t I tell you? It will work I can assure you that.”
“Thank you very much my elder sister, what would I have done without you?”
“It is a pleasure you came to visit my family and he saw and marry
you now you are my responsibility our parents know nothing about Gaa.
Now take it easy and don’t be hard upon yourself, remember your kids
they very much need you.”
In the morning
Gaa left and hurriedly wanted to leave but Mama caught up with him as
Ti followed and encouraged him.
“It is not punishment but concern, honey take good care of your health
that’s all!”
Mam Sawdatou
“Don’t mind him I’ll take him to hospital by force.”
She opened the car door and pushed Gaa in;
“Drive the car we should not be late.” He resisted but to no avail
with frustration and anger he drove to hospital and did not utter a
word throughout the journey.
At the Hospital
Mama accompanied him into doctor’s office and exposed him.
“Doc my son Gaa refused to come to hospital and instead resorted to
self medication by buying drugs from the pharmacy, I’ve brought him to
you to check him thoroughly and cure his ailment, please doc help me
as he is my only surviving son and I don’t want to lose him and his
lovely wife become a widow and his fabulous children fatherless.”
Gaa became embarrassed and frustrated.
“Mama stop embarrassing me please!”
“Is that so Gaa?” Dr. George asked.
“Doc! Do you doubt an old lady? I am a retired headmistress.”
Dr. George
“I do not doubt you but your son is my great client whose integrity I
have to protect, you can go to the waiting room and wait for him it
will be fine.”
She went out and stood at the door to eavesdrop their conversation.
Nurse Jagne
“Mama this is undone you cannot eavesdrop doctor and patient
conversation it is unethical. “
“He is my son and I’ve brought him to hospital.”
Nurse Jagne
“All the same your son is grown up and can very well take care of himself.”
To be Cont.